quitW taskS taskSwitch(..) This function enables or disables the task switch mode from the keyboard. to get taskSwitch(mode) mode can be TRUE or FALSE and indicates if the taskSwitch must be enabled or nott Message taskSwitch buttonclick buttonclick mode taskSwitch( This part added just demonstration "Message" Do it ! Message Enable taskSwitch taskSwitch enterPage notifyBefore taskSwitch ( enterPage taskS How t How to join the MM-WWW-PC Network The MM-WWW-PC Network is a world wide experimental project aimed at the creation of a cross-country network of developers interested in the fast evolution of Toolbook on the Internet. Thanks to the new MM-WWW-PC v. 2.0 features that allow a closer interaction with the Web browser, it is possible now to retrieve and launch automatically from your Toolbook application any other MM-WWW-PC compliant software that resides on a remote server. To join the MM-WWW-PC Network you have just to notify the author of your interest in being added to the general directory, and put on your Web server a special Toolbook application that includes a short presentation of yourself (or your company, department, university...). More details are available on request.est.st.t.. About About the Author MM-WWW-PC is a research hosted by the Dept. of Italian studies of the University of Trieste, Italy. We welcome any suggestion or comment from you, as well as any proposal of join collaboration in the field of Multimedia towards Internet. Please write to: PAOLO TOSOLINI Via Bembo, 5 - 34015 Muggia (TS) - ITALY Mobile: +39-360-877243 - Tel. +39-40-275030 - Fax. +39-40-3118500email: tosolini@psicosun.univ.trieste.it http://www.univ.trieste.it/tosolini.html email: tosolini@psicosun.univ.trieste.it http://www.univ.trieste.it/tosolini.htmlTel. +39-40-275030 - Fax. +39-40-311850 email: tosolini@psicosun.univ.trieste.it http://www.univ.trieste.it/tosolini.html How t About 1.0a15 Trash .&+ +E leavePage .&+ +E enterPage author reader sizetoPage DESCRIPTION SYNTAX EXAMPLE Index button Do you want to quit MM-WWW-PC functions book ? buttonClick buttonClick "Next" "Prev" "Menu" Index "Quit" "Do you want quit MM-WWW-PC functions fYes syschangesDB -#, ; -$, " enterpage notifybefore enterpage isBro isBrowserOpen() This function returns the name of the current running browser, that is MOSAIC or NETSCAPE. If no browser is running, it returns FALSE.EE NETSCAPE Message dIsBrowserOpen buttonclick buttonclick IsBrowserOpen() This part added just demonstration "Message" IsBrowserOpen() Message get isBrowserOpen() no additional parameters are needed Right Icona xxxxxp xxxxxp wwwwwp wwwwwp pppppp pppppp isBro appWi brows The M INTRO Index brows enterPage notifyBefore FALSE enterPage browserWinMode(..) This function controls the position and state of the browser window. It returns FALSE if no browser is currently running. Otherwise, it performs the desired operation and returns TRUE... to get browserWinMode(sysWindowHandle,winState,winPos) sysWindowHandle is a constant value winState can be MAX, NORMAL or MIN winPos can be FRONT, BACK or ONTOPPP ,%H.% ,%H.% winState winPosButtons FRONT,BACK,ONTOP Message MIN,NORMAL,MAX winPos winStateButtons browserWinMode buttonclick buttonclick winStateButtons "MIN,NORMAL,MAX" winPosButtons "FRONT,BACK,ONTOP" browserWinMode ( This part added just demonstration "Message" Do it ! Message WinPos Front Browser in FRONT OnTop Browser on TOP Browser to BACK Minimized Maximized Normal Normal WinState enterPage notifyBefore FALSE appWi enterPage notifyBefore FALSE enterPage This function controls the position and state of the Toolbook application window. After having performed the desired operation, it returns TRUE.., it performs the desired operation and returns TRUE.. to get appWinMode(sysWindowHandle,winState,winPos) sysWindowHandle is a constant value winState can be MAX, NORMAL or MIN winPos can be TRUE or FALSE, if you want your application stays on top ,%H.% appWinMode winState winPosButtons onTop FRONT,BACK,ONTOP Message MIN,NORMAL,MAX winPos winStateButtons buttonclick buttonclick winStateButtons "MIN,NORMAL,MAX" winPosButtons "FRONT,BACK,ONTOP" B"onTop" appWinMode ( This part added just demonstration "Message" Do it ! Message onTop Application on TOP Minimized Maximized Normal Normal WinState appWinMode(..) enterPage notifyBefore FALSE runBr runBrowser(..) This functions tries to launch the browser, supposed it is in the path. It returns TRUE if Mosaic or Netscape is found on the disk, otherwise it returns FALSE. Only Mosaic v. 2.07 and higher support the Kiosk mode....... to get runBrowser(URL,mode) URL must be a valid address (if URL is text, surround it with quotation marks) mode can be TRUE or FALSE and indicates if Kiosk mode should be used runBrowser FALSE Message http://www.univ.trieste.it/mmwwwpc/mmwwwpc.html buttonclick buttonclick runBrowser("http://www.univ.trieste. /mmwwwpc/ .html",FALSE) This part added just demonstration "Message" runBrowser(..) Message getUR getURL(..) This function instruct the browser to connect to a specified URL. If no browser is already running, it tries to launch it. This function works only with Netscape (all versions) and Mosaic v. 2.08 or higher.. to get getURL(URL) URL must be a valid address (if URL is text, surround it with quotation marks) FALSE getURL Message buttonclick buttonclick getURL( ",FALSE) This part added just demonstration "Message" getURL(..) Message enterfield http://www.univ.trieste.it/vrx/vrx.html runBr print getUR print printURL().)URL(..) This function instructs the browser to print the contents of the page currently displayed on the screen. If no browser is running, it returns FALSE. works only with Netscape (all versions) and Mosaic v. 2.08 or higher.. printURL Message buttonclick buttonclick printURL() This part added just demonstration "Message" printURL() Message to get printURL() no additional parameters are needed quitW quitWindow(..) This function can be used to quit either the browser and any other currently running Toolbook application. to get quitBrowser(browser,otherApps,currentApp) browser must be TRUE to quit the browser otherApps must be TRUE to quit all other Toolbook instances currentApp must be TRUE to quit the current instancegggggggggggggggggggggggggggg otherApps currentApp browser Message quitWindow buttonclick buttonclick browser otherApps currentApp quitWindow( This part added just demonstration "Message" Do it ! Message Quit Browser include this Application Quit otherApps enterPage notifyBefore autoRadioButtons FALSE enterPage browser otherApps currentApp :HDMEDIAPATH System System Arial urier New Arial Arial mes New Roman Arial Courier New Courier New Arial Arial Arial Courier howWindow( ^ PostMessage( kernel" GetModuleFileName( unlinkDLL " tb30win.dll" ultiMedia WWW PC v. 2.0 MultiMedia WWW PC v. 2.0 enterApplication .&+ +E leavePage .&+ +E enterPage author reader enterApplication FALSE sizetoPage CDBSE&File &Open... Ctrl+O &Save Ctrl+S Save &As... saveas &Import... import &Export... export Print Set&up... printsetup &Print Pages... Ctrl+P printpages Prin&t Report... printreport Send &Mail... sendmail &Run... E&xit Alt+F4 &Edit &Undo Ctrl+Z Cu&t Ctrl+X &Copy Ctrl+C &Paste Ctrl+V paste C&lear Del clear Select &All Shift+F9 selectall Select Pa&ge Shift+F12 selectpage &Size to Page F11 sizetopage F&ind... F5 Re&place... replace Aut&hor F3 author &Text &Character... F6 character &Paragraph... F7 paragraph &Regular Ctrl+Space regular &Bold Ctrl+B &Italic Ctrl+I italic &Underline Ctrl+U underline Stri&keout Ctrl+K strikeout Superscrip&t/Subscript superscriptSubscript &Normal Script normalscript Su&bscript Ctrl+L subscript Su&perscript Ctrl+Shift+L superscript &Show Hotwords F9 showhotwords &Page &Next Alt+Right &Previous Alt+Left previous &First Alt+Up first &Last Alt+Down &Back Shift+F2 &History... Ctrl+F2 history N&ew Page Ctrl+N newpage &Help &Contents F1 contents Status &Bar F12 statusbar -- MultiMedia WWW PC v. 2.0 functions HPaolo Tosolini, Italy 02/95 -- email: tosolini@psicosun.univ.trieste. -- MM- m-PC e summary -- isBrowserOpen -- browserWinMode APPhWnd,winState,WinPos -- appWinMode -- runBrowser URL,mode -- getURL newURL -- printURL -- quitWindow ~,otherApps,currentApp -- taskSwitch -- This can be copied your own Xwhich -- otherwise FALSE IsMosaicOpen() "TRUE" "MOSAIC" IsNetscapeOpen() "NETSCAPE" -- change estate IsBrowserOpen() linkDLL "user" INT setWindowPos (WORD, -2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3) "MAX" ShowWindow( 3) -- maximize "NORMAL" 1) -- "MIN" 7) -- minimize winPos "FRONT" SetActiveWindow( ) -- "BACK" ) -- reactivate the original "ONTOP" -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3) INT, -2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3) 3) -- 1) -- 7) -- -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3) -- app on -2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3) -- disable -- try . Kiosk supported 32 bit only "mosaic.exe -k" && URL -- kiosk +" && sysErrorNumber "netscape. x" && -- instruct -- doesn't work 2.07 4URLhistory Command1 2}" -- 6combination Command2 "{keyEnter}" MosaicCommand "%fo" -- simulates a File OpenURL NetscapeCommand "%fl" -- 3penLocation tb30win.dll" ndKeys (STRING,INT) launch -- different ,MAX, sendKeys ( -- a custom becomes document 2}" -- "%fp" -- Print Command3 C either ) -- PostMessage ( 16, 0, 0) -- 16 instructs temp findTBKs() ehandles temp2 f) -- Toolbook apps , 16, 0, 0) -- 16 ) -- , 16, 0, 0) -- 16 switch untranslateWindowMessage 0x0112 Windowhandle WM_SYSCOMMAND already isNetscapeOpen ZNetscapeClassName "AfxFrameOrView" -- @ class FindWindow( isMosaicOpen GetMosaicHandle() -- Check -- Portions following scripts are copyright Asymetrix Corporation handler checks running returns GetWindowText( emanager's ,0) -- 0 -- Step through remaining windows, retrieve information -- on ' that Llevel. -- test GetParent(wH) = 0 FileName nameOfFile(wH) WindowCaption nameOfWindow(wH) c"NCSA " -- -- -- The parameter value "2" causes getWindow -- -- (wH,2) ZwH = 0 -- initialize buffer 40 spaces so we don't blow memory. ;,41) -- 40 + ytermination moduleHandle getclassword(wH,-16) GetModuleFilename(mh, ,41) -- 40 + handlers toolbook Jone calling ZprevHandle ZhMem, lpMem Zstack handleList gGetNextWindow( GetClassName( kernel" gGlobalAlloc( GlobalLock( gGlobalUnlock( gGlobalFree( R66, 64) <> 0 , 64) > 0 1(0, ) = "ToolBook" 1(0, ) = "TBKMain" must contain a DWORD) ' GetClassWord( GetModuleFileName( -- Do NOT forget include a FORWARD statemement unlinkDLL " NETSCAPE IsMosaicOpen FALSE 2zIsNetscapeOpen MOSAIC isBrowserOpen FALSE FRONT ONTOP SetActiveWindow EsetWindowPos 0&setWindowPos NORMAL dIsBrowserOpen ShowWindow browserWinMode 0&setWindowPos EsetWindowPos NORMAL ShowWindow appWinMode .&, " .&, " mosaic.exe FALSE netscape.exe mosaic.exe -k dIsBrowserOpen runBrowser NETSCAPE NetscapeCommand runBrowser tb30win.dll FALSE FRONT {keyEnter} Command2 {keyEscape 2} CssendKeys Command1 sendKeys URLhistory browserWinMode dIsBrowserOpen MOSAIC MosaicCommand getURL tb30win.dll dIsBrowserOpen FALSE FRONT {keyEnter} Command2 {keyEscape 2} CssendKeys Command1 sendKeys browserWinMode Command3 printURL FALSE SetActiveWindow PostMessage dfindTBKs dIsBrowserOpen quitWindow WM_SYSCOMMAND taskSwitch .&, " FALSE AfxFrameOrView FindWindow isNetscapeOpen .&, " FALSE GetMosaicHandle isMosaicOpen FileName GetWindow WindowCaption NCSA Mosaic GetWindowText !/A-" 5#nameOfWindow nameOfFile GetParent GetMosaicHandle